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University of Michigan School of Information


Our Strategic Plan

At UMSI, we believe that diversity, equity and inclusion are not just ideals, but actions. That’s why we have created our second five-year strategic plan (DEI 2.0 for 2023-2028) to build a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive UMSI community. The current strategic plan builds on the significant work, process and progress from DEI 1.0 (2016-2021).

  • PEOPLE - Recruit, Retain & Develop a Diverse Community
  • PROCESS - Create an Equitable and Inclusive Campus Climate
  • ​​PRODUCTS - Support Innovative and Inclusive Teaching, Research, and Service

Our plan outlines specific actions that UMSI offices, faculty and staff will take to achieve four top-level strategic goals:

  1. Improve diversity, broadly defined, of all cohorts – among students, staff, and faculty – with particular attention to minoritized populations.  
  2. Broaden and deepen a culture of care, awareness, self-reflection, accommodation, and community at the school, both as individuals and as an institution.
  3. Implement more transparent and effective options for providing feedback and for mediating issues between members of the SI community.
  4. Make curricular and co-curricular activities more inclusive and anti-racist, both in content and pedagogy.

We invite you to read the complete version of UMSI’s DEI 2.0 plan objectives and measures of success. If you have any questions or comments, please email the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Office at [email protected].

Our Strategic Objectives

Below is a summary of the UMSI DEI 2.0 strategic plan objectives. You can find more details about each objective in the full plan.

Objective 1:

Increase the diversity, broadly defined, of students in all cohorts. Specifically, increase the number and percentage of AHN applicants across all programs; increase enrollments of trans and non-binary applicants, applicants from low-income backgrounds; first-generation college students across all programs; and enrollments of applicants not identifying as men in the MADS (online) program. 

Objective 2:

Increase diversity of staff including race, ethnicity, gender and gender identity, disability, age, citizenship, veteran status, religion and more to reflect demographics of the qualified labor pools. 

Objective 3:

Increase diversity, broadly defined, of faculty.

Objective 4:

Leaders from the UMSI DEI Office and the Dean will work with the Director of Development and Alumni Relations to review and update DEI fundraising priorities, goals, and progress, engaging key constituents

Objective 5:

Increase donor support for student scholarships, wraparound support and emergency funding including need-based scholarships and DEI-related efforts that are within legal parameters.

Objective 6:

Engage alums in supporting our recruiting of doctoral students to leverage our existing strengths in diversity, broadly defined. 

Objective 7:

Expand K-14 outreach and engagement with the purpose of establishing and increasing awareness of and engagement with the field of information science to build mid and early-stage pipelines to degree programs. 

Objective 8: 

Develop a formalized approach to staff mentorship and career development support across all staff with particular attention to better meeting the needs of staff from historically marginalized groups. 

Objective 9: 

Enhance and expand career development support across all faculty with particular attention to better meeting the needs of faculty from historically marginalized groups. 

Objective 10: 

Encourage and support increased diversity (broadly defined) across leaders of student organizations. 

Objective 11: 

Cultivate faculty leadership on DEI issues.  

Objective 12:

Increase the diversity (broadly defined) of faculty in leadership roles at UMSI. 

Objective 13: 

Expand infrastructure and initiatives dedicated to student academic success as part of UMSI student diversity retention efforts with particular focus on students experiencing institutional barriers related to navigating disability accommodations. 

Objective 14: 

To identify gaps in awareness and identify needs for added support, we will expand student experience and outcomes data analysis across (self-reported) broadly diverse identity groups to inform career advising and coaching practice. Increase awareness of student experiences and internship/ career outcomes and opportunities for diverse (broadly defined) student populations with particular attention to gender, citizenship, and race/ethnicity. 

Objective 15:

Broadly diversify the UMSI Advisory Board and engage the board more directly in philanthropy and service to the school. 

Objective 16: 

Provide DEI education, skill-building and active learning engagement opportunities for students, faculty, and staff to build shared understanding that supports UMSI’s DEI goals and activities. Include attention to cultural intelligence/global perspectives, gender equity and prevention of sexual misconduct, anti-racism, and anti-ableism.

 Objective 17: 

Promote cultural intelligence and global DEI understanding as a core component of building an inclusive climate and caring school culture. 

Objective 18: 

Create a new team and program within the DEI Office that will assist with building effective problem-solving skills, support dispute resolution between and among SI students, staff, and faculty and provide training on communication (including giving and receiving feedback), conflict resolution and restorative justice skills. (This is not intended to replace other systems for resolution in the university, but will help serve students, staff, and faculty in meeting their goals around preventing and resolving conflicts or disputes.) 

Objective 19: 

Establish and disseminate a set of values and behaviors for SI that exemplify a culture of care. Defining specifics around developing a "culture of care" as a community in Fall 2023 and spelling out specific skills, actions, behaviors that constitute a caring ethos.

 Objective 20: 

Develop an equity and inclusion framework for philanthropy at UMSI. Strengthen Development and Alumni Relations (DAR) internal and external communications to make DEI values more explicit and to provide more transparency and understanding around inclusive and equitable philanthropy practices. 

Objective 21: 

Reframe OASA Student Leadership Series to incorporate DEI as a greater focus and including cohort-based DEI skill building and Global DEI perspectives of leadership.

Objective 22: 

Increase opportunities for students to build relationships across differences and create an inclusive community at the school, deepening a culture of care and belonging. 

Objective 23:

Improve student communications and student notifications involving course registration, formal/informal student academic concerns (probation, grade of concern, academic difficulty, grades of incomplete, etc.) to be more inclusive and supportive. 

Objective 24:

Evaluate and increase staff knowledge and professional approaches re: academic advising support, particularly with respect to first generation, underrepresented, and international students. 

Objective 25:

Enhance Career Development Office (CDO) co-curricular programming & workshops to prioritize alumni engagement and networking events to lower barriers and increase access for all students (with thoughtful attention to the needs of students from historically minoritized communities); to help students build social capital in support of their career goals. 

Objective 26:

Reinvigorate and expand engaged learning and career development programs that provide high impact educational experiences to meet the diverse needs of students in terms of flexibility, exposure, and career readiness. 

Objective 27:

Adopt Universal Design Standards in all UMSI communications and school-wide activities. 

Objective 28:

Increase opportunities for student cross-group/cross-cultural interaction. 

Objective 29:

Improve accommodation-related practices in courses to advance care and to support universal design for access and learning. 

Objective 30:

Develop and implement a set of activities, practices and policies across students, staff and faculty that support a school-wide culture of care embodied in an environment that decreases hierarchy and increases connection, inclusion, camaraderie, and joy. 

Objective 31:

Strengthen the MADS community both within and beyond building better relationships between and among MADS and other UMSI students, alumni, faculty, and staff. 

Objective 32:

Increase the number of mechanisms available for doctoral students to provide feedback to their advisors. 

Objective 33:

Develop, launch, and refine engaged learning modules to prepare students to be socially conscious information professionals in alignment with the anti-racist curricular initiative. These modules will focus on enhanced teamwork experiences and engagement with clients, preparing students to work with diverse civic partners in courses and in a variety of co-curricular activities. 

Objective 34:

Update course content and pedagogy to make them more inclusive and anti-racist. 

Objective 35:

Ensure DEI learning goals are included in the curriculum such that all students attain the goals regardless of pathway/career goal. 

Objective 36:

Implement continued curriculum improvements to reflect key DEI themes and international data science perspectives into the MADS program curriculum. 

Objective 37:

Improve faculty competency and pedagogical expertise in discussing DEI topics and dealing with DEI issues in the classroom.