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University of Michigan School of Information


544 - Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis

Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis --- The purpose of this class will be to provide students with a basic understanding of statistics, that is the ability to describe various populations and draw inferences about them. It should also sharpen individual intuition about how to read data, interpret data, and judge others' claims about data. It should be useful to a wide variety of students both as preparation for more advanced courses and as a means to professional advancement. Specifically, skills to be developed are: 1. Abilities to characterize population data intuitively for oneself and others. 2. Ability to draw conclusions and novel inferences from population data. 3. Ability to check assumptions of others' claims and debug their putative "facts". 4. Ability to look for correlations while controlling for confounding effects. 5. Overall, the chief objective is to demystify the process of inquiry into what isn't known.
Credit Hours 3