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University of Michigan School of Information


643 - Instructional Skills for Information Professionals

Instructional Skills for Information Professionals --- Whether creating a tutorial for a new app, leading a workshop about archival materials, hosting a webinar for students or customers, or engaging colleagues in discussions around a provocative article, information professionals are frequently involved in teaching and learning activities. To engage others means moving beyond lecturing or "telling information" and, instead, to think about how you can empower others' learning. You'll learn about learning theories, then get practical strategies to help you plan, execute, reflect upon, and assess learning in multiple modalities: video tutorials, discussion groups, face-to-face workshops, and online webinars. You'll select teaching topics based on the needs, interests, and challenges you will face in future employment so that you can use your projects in your portfolio.
Credit Hours 3


  • SI 501 or permission of instructor.