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University of Michigan School of Information



325 - Mathematics for Information Analysis

Mathematics for Information Analysis --- This course will cover mathematical concepts in linear algebra, optimization, probability, and statistics that are useful for information analysis. Students will become comfortable with basic math concepts and how they can be used to solve problems. A few important advanced topics and Python functions will also be covered.

330 - Data Manipulation

Data Manipulation --- Data analysis is crucial to application evaluation, as well as understanding users' information needs. When the data required are numerous we need an automated way to gather, parse, and summarize the data. In this course, you will learn to use Python and its modules to accomplish these tasks.

334 - Persuasion and Social Influence

Persuasion and Social Influence --- Social Influence is one of the most pervasive and powerful mechanisms for behavior change whether you are an informatics professional who is building up your design tool-box, designing a new information system or managing a team. In this course we will learn why and under what conditions an individual's thoughts and actions can be influenced by those around them. The primary goal of this course is to introduce you to some of the theories and key research findings in the field of persuasion and social influence through the lens of economics and social psychology. The second goal is to have you applying the tools of influence from day one of the course: you will learn techniques for persuasive speaking, writing and designing. All written and oral assignments will use short and targeted exercises to gain fluency in applying the techniques and ideas of persuasion. Finally, the course will culminate in an application of these techniques in two case studies (one covering a management problem and one a design challenge). Though we will rely on theories, and learn about the key research findings, this course is suitable for anyone with any background but tailored directly to the needs of informatics students. The class will be heavily directed toward applying what we learn to practice and real world situations. Class meetings include a mixture of lecture and exposition through the use of experiments, an assortment of group activities and class discussion so that you can see and test some of the theories and techniques of social influence first hand.

335 - Social Media in Organizations

Social Media in Organizations --- This course will address the technical, social, and psychological factors related to how organizations adopt and use social media technologies. Emphasis will be placed on how organizations can leverage social media to communicate with external stakeholders as well as support internal organizational processes such as collaboration, knowledge management, and innovation.

339 - Web Design, Development, and Accessibility

Web Design, Development, and Accessibility --- This course provides a hands-on approach to learning responsive, accessible front-end programming for Web Design. Topics covered include HTML5, CSS3 (including Bootstrap framework), JavaScript, and the POUR design principles of accessible design.

340 - Experiment Design and Analyses

Experiment Design and Analyses --- This course introduces experimental methods. Students will learn basic principles for successful experimentation: picking a good problem; subject recruitment; designing and conducting experiments (both laboratory and online); collecting and analyzing data, and reporting results. Students will complete the entire process of experimental research, from design to presentation of findings.

360 - Succeeding at Failing: The Art of Entrepreneurship in the Information Age

Behind every entrepreneurial success story lie the untold stories of numerous failures. Those with visions that were too early, too late, or unable to capitalize on a prospective opportunity for any number of reasons. For the overwhelming majority of entrepreneurs, pursuing a dream is far more likely to result in failure than success.

Entrepreneurship is a mindset characterized by risk-taking, seeing problems from multiple perspectives, experimentation, and continually challenging oneself to produce meaningful results. However, it is also about learning from failure - and ultimately finding a way to succeed by overcoming the odds.

Succeeding at failing is more humanistic than mechanical, it is built on lived experience more than replicable formulas, it is more art than science. It is an essential ingredient in developing an entrepreneurial mindset, and like any other
form of art, it can be taught, practiced, and experienced - and that is the objective
of this course.

364 - Building Data-Driven Web Applications

Building Data-Driven Web Applications --- This course is an introduction to building online interactive multi-user applications using database and web technologies. It covers both theoretical and practical aspects of Database Management Systems (DBMS), including database design, use, and implementation using the database language SQL. Students will develop web and database applications using web and/or mobile technologies for collaboration, electronic commerce, information retrieval, or a similar application, as well as some combination of open-source technologies like MySQL, HTML5, PHP, JavaScript, or Python.

370 - Data Exploration

Data Exploration --- The exploratory data analysis and visualization course aims to help students get started with their own data acquisition and exploratory analysis. Exploratory data analysis is crucial to evaluating and designing solutions and applications, as well as understanding information needs and use. Students in this course will learn basic concepts of information visualization and techniques of exploratory data analysis, using scripting, text parsing, structured query language, regular expressions, graphing, and clustering methods to explore data. Students will be able to make sense of and see patterns in otherwise intractable quantities of data. In this course students will be able to work with the Pandas, seaborn, and scikit-learn packages of Python.

379 - Building Interactive Application

Building Interactive Application --- This course introduces tools and techniques for building user interfaces that are reactive and response. It covers a variety of design heuristics for creating interfaces that are usable and accessible. It also teaches software design patterns to implement user interfaces at scale.