University of Michigan School of Information
Megan Threats
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Megan Threats, PhD, MSLIS is the Director of the Health Justice Informatics Lab at the University of Michigan School of Information. She studies the health information practices and multilevel determinants of health and information inequities impacting marginalized communities. She uses an approach I call 'health justice informatics' to work with communities to collaboratively develop and implement informatics interventions and consumer health information and technologies to address the effects of intersecting, multilevel forms of discrimination, including, but not limited to racism and sexual orientation and gender identity discrimination. The goal of her research is to reduce health disparities and improve health outcomes among marginalized communities by using my findings to inform information, public health, and health IT policies; and by translating her findings into the development of programs and practices within health and learning institutions.
Honors & Awards
IMLS Early Career Research Development Grant (2023-2026)
University of Michigan NCID Anti-Racism Research & Community Impact Fellow (2023-2024)
NIH LRP Award - NIMHD (2021-2023)
Ph.D., Information Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
M.S., Library and Information Science, Syracuse University
B.A., Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, Michigan State University
B.A., Comparative Culture and Politics, Michigan State University