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University of Michigan School of Information

Mohamed Abbadi standing in a library reading room

Mohamed Abbadi

Lecturer I in Information, School of Information Email: [email protected] Phone: 000/000-0000
Office: School of Infomation/105 S. State St Faculty Role: Faculty Personal website


I'm a Ph.D. candidate at the School of Information focusing on behavioral economics and international development with extensive experience in project and program management, and organizational transformation. I study activism, discrimination and corruption. I hold master's degrees in economics, public policy, and computer science.

Areas of interest

Experimental and behavioral economics
International development

Honors and awards

African Study Center Student Fellowship – University of Michigan (2020)
Merit Scholar – School of Information, University of Michigan (2016)
Dow Sustainability Fellowship – University of Michigan (2014-2015)
Non-traditional Students Fellowship - University of Michigan (2015)


The University of Michigan, School of Information Ann Arbor, MI
Ph.D. (Behavioral/Experimental Economics & ICTD) 2016- Present
The University of Michigan, Department of Economics, LS&A Ann Arbor, MI
Master of Applied Economics (MAE) (Development Economics) May 2020
The University of Michigan, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy Ann Arbor, MI
Master of Public Policy (MPP) (Development Economics) May 2016
Bradley University Peoria, IL
Master of Science Computer Science May 2002
University of Khartoum Khartoum, Sudan
Bachelor of Science in Engineering June 1998