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University of Michigan School of Information

Cliff Lampe

Cliff Lampe

Professor of Information and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, School of Information Email: [email protected] Phone: 517/515-2494
Office: School of Information/North Quad 4323 Faculty Role: Faculty Potential PhD Faculty Advisor: Yes Personal website News About Cliff Lampe


Cliff is a professor in the School of Information. Previously, he spent six years as an assistant professor in the College of Communication Arts and Sciences at Michigan State University. He researches the social and technical structures of large scale technology mediated communication, working with sites like Facebook, Wikipedia, Slashdot and Everything2. He has also been involved in the creation of multiple social media and online community projects, usually designed to enable collective action. One of Cliff's core values is combining top quality research with community engagement.

Areas of interest

Social media, online communities, computer-mediated communication, socio-technical systems, social computing, community informatics, technology mediated social participation


BA, Kalamazoo College

PhD, University of Michigan

News about Cliff Lampe

The Association for Computing Machinery. 2024 ACM Fellow. Cliff Lampe, professor of information.
Cliff Lampe named ACM fellow

Lampe is recognized for his contributions on social network systems, and outstanding leadership in the ACM SIGCHI community. 

More Info
A librarian stands in the aisle between library shelves, with one arm resting on a book
UMSI’s Civic Librarian Project empowers librarians to create civic technology

A new, open-access course from UMSI builds on librarians’ expertise by giving them a toolkit to create community solutions using 21st century technology. 

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