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University of Michigan School of Information


Digital Curation Mastery - SI 699

Digital Curation Mastery

Proposal open date: June 1
Proposal close date: November 2
Project timeline: January-April
Project duration: 15 weeks 
Number of projects needed: 15

SI 699: Digital Curation Mastery Syllabus


In SI 699: Digital Curation, master's-level graduate students develop plans, procedures, and documentation for the management, organization and curation of large data sets and collections with the goal of organizing information in a structure that is useful to clients.


  • Deliverables will vary by project and are based on the client needs and project scope. Examples may include: 
    • Metadata curation
    • Recommendations on data curation best practices
    • Presentation of curation reports and plans
    • Final presentation 
    • Final report

Client Requirements 

  • Level of engagement for course/program 
    • 30-60 minute weekly or bi-weekly meetings with the student team
    • Regular feedback and communication to student team based on the course schedule
    • Introduction to stakeholders and users for interviews and/or data gathering
    • Access to organizational data, systems and/or resources necessary to project completion
    • Attend final presentation
    • Complete project evaluation
  • Special requirements for the course/program 
    • Possess large sets of data or information that require complex strategy and/or management
    • Provide students with offsite access to their data before the start of the course
    • Designate a primary contact who knows and understands the data or collection (preferably someone specialized in digital curation)

Additional Details

  • Types of projects that may be good for this course include:
    • Digital curation workflows
      • Assessing a collection of digital objects, and developing a plan for further curation and preservation. May include identifying preservation risks, assessing accessibility issues, data management planning and working with a designated community to make digital objects more fit-for-use. Focuses on developing a plan, might not include implementing it.
    • Metadata projects
      • Creating or applying a metadata standard to a collection of digital objects. May include creating a new schema or a new application profile of an existing standard; refining or creating a controlled vocabulary; assessing users' needs for metadata; or more.
    • Data wrangling
      • Working with datasets to make them fit-for-use. May include data cleaning, transformation, re-formatting or standardization; data aggregation or integration; or working with users' to identify needs of data.

Client Testimonials

  • "The results of this project will have a national impact on how we access legacy science data. The students helped us create a workflow for processing floppy disks, which will enable us to retrieve legacy data for new work. This is something that we hadn't had time to develop on our own, but now we're planning to share this workflow with other science centers in our organization who are also struggling to process floppy disks."
    • Anonymous Client
  • "The student's work will help us streamline our collections metadata management process, and allow us to offer expanded services and reporting capabilities to our members. Thanks to their recommended solution, we look forward to being able to offer a public, web-based interface for our members to view their collections metadata."

Past Clients

Contact us

Engaged Learning Office | [email protected] | (734) 763-1251

Please complete this form to submit a project proposal for one of our client-based courses or other programs, or to receive information about these opportunities throughout the year.