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University of Michigan School of Information


UX Field Research in the Public Sector - SI 350

Public Sector User Research

Proposal open date: June 1
Proposal close date: March 1
Project timeline: May
Project duration: 3 weeks 
Number of projects needed: 4-8

SI 350: UX Field Research in the Public Sector Syllabus


In SI 350: UX Field Research in the Public Sector, students work with governmental departments and nonprofit agencies over the course of an intensive four-week studio to conduct user research around an information need determined by the client. Students work in teams to collect direct user data using multiple UX research methods.


  • User experience research report with key findings and recommendations

Client Requirements 

  • Level of engagement for course/program 
    • 30-60 minute weekly or bi-weekly meetings with student team
    • Regular feedback and communication to student team based on the course schedule
    • Introduction to stakeholders and users for interviews and/or data gathering
    • Access to organizational data, systems and/or resources necessary to project completion
    • Attend final presentation
    • Complete project evaluation
  • Special requirements for the course/program 
    • Projects are developed with existing CID partner communities, which are Michigan cities that have a population of 20,000 to 200,000.

Past Projects

  • Addressing Community Needs in COVID-19. This time of social distancing and limited trips outside our homes make it at once important and difficult to engage in our community. The City of Ann Arbor continues to provide essential services and support those in greatest need. Students worked with the city to answer the following questions: How can city staff best align their information-sharing with the needs of Ann Arbor residents? How can residents contribute their ideas, concerns, and questions to community projects and decisions?

Past Clients

Contact us

Engaged Learning Office | [email protected] | (734) 763-1251

Please complete this form to submit a project proposal for one of our client-based courses or other programs, or to receive information about these opportunities throughout the year.