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University of Michigan School of Information


Community Engagement

Engaging with public sector organizations is part of the mission of the School of Information and an important part of creating engaged students and citizens. Through partnering with non-profit organizations, UMSI students work on challenges facing communities and organizations to enhance their capacity and provide community-centered recommendations and solutions.

Community Engagement Opportunities

Engaging with Communities - SI 547

Engaging with Communities

Proposal open date: June 1
Proposal close date: August 2
Project timeline: September-December
Project duration: 15 weeks 
Number of projects needed: 10

SI 547: Engaging with Communities Syllabus

Design Jams

Design Jams

Proposal open date: June 1
Proposal close date: Clients accepted on a rolling basis
Project timeline: Clients accepted on a rolling basis
Project duration: 2-3 weeks 
Number of projects needed: 5
Note: This program runs in both the fall and winter semester. Projects are being recruited for both terms.