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University of Michigan School of Information

Charles Severance

Charles Severance

Clinical Professor of Information, School of Information Email: [email protected] Phone: 000/000-0000
Office: SOI/105 S State St Faculty Role: Faculty Potential PhD Faculty Advisor: No Personal website News About Charles Severance


Charles is a Clinical Professor and a founding faculty member of the Informatics Concentration. Charles also works on developing standards for teaching and learning technology. Previously he was the Executive Director of the Sakai Foundation and the Chief Architect of the Sakai Project. He has written several books including "Using the Google App Engine", "Python for Informatics", "High Performance Computing", and "Sakai: Free as in Freedom".


News about Charles Severance

Quoted by The Hindu Business Line. Clinical Professor Charles Severance. Breaking down barriers. Dr. Chuck's efforts to teach computer languages to the most unlikely people.
Severance: “Anyone can learn Python and even be a cab driver, so why not?”

UMSI clinical professor Charles Severance is on a mission to “create people who are not afraid of learning programming.” 

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