University of Michigan School of Information
Certificate requirements
Currently enrolled University of Michigan-Ann Arbor graduate students will follow a 1+4 format for the Graduate Certificate in Health Informatics. Below highlights a combination of one (1) core course and four (4) interdisciplinary courses, completing 15 total graduate credits for the certificate.
1+4 Format
- Core required course (3 credits):
- Four (4) interdisciplinary courses from the menu of courses below (12 credits):
- SI 661/HMP 661 Managing Health Informatics
- HMP 611/SI 611: Population Health Informatics
- LHS 660/HMP 648/SI 648: Evaluation Methods for Health Informatics
- HBEHED 654/SI 554: Consumer Health Informatics
- SI 672: Applied Clinical Informatics
- SI 684: Designing Consumer Health Technologies
- LHS 610: Learning from Health Data: Applied Data Science in Health
- HMP 669 Data Management And Visualization In Healthcare
- LHS 712: Natural Language Processing for Health Data
- HBEHED 665: Mobile Health
- LHS 611: Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Management for Sociotechnical Systems
- HBEHED 626 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems and Health Behaviors
- HMP 628: Data Analytics in Healthcare
- URP 520: Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
- SI 537: Crisis Informatics
- BIOSTAT 626: Machine Learning for Health Sciences
- SW 670: Qualitative Methodologies for Socially Just Inquiry
- SI 624: Healthcare Data Application, Analysis, Consulting and Communication
- The GCHI program places no restrictions on the number of credits that may be double counted with credits for your home program of study. Your home program, however, may place such restrictions. Check with your home program to learn its rules regarding double counting of credits.
- The dates/times of required GCHI courses may conflict with courses of your home degree program; thus advanced planning is necessary.
- The GCHI courses on this website are a comprehensive list of all approved courses. Please confirm details of these courses in Wolverine Access to determine term offerings and how to best accommodate them in your academic plan. Registration and scheduling questions should be directed to the course's home degree program.
- GCHI students are not guaranteed enrollment in any GCHI courses, especially those in high demand. Every effort is made to accommodate declared certificate students (especially those in their final semester), but this is not always possible.
- If a course on the GCHI menu has prerequisite courses, please either take the necessary prerequisite courses, or contact the instructor to discuss enrollment in their course without the prerequisite. This applies if the prereqs are approved GCHI courses or not.