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University of Michigan School of Information

A headshot of Jingyi Qiu

Jingyi Qiu


Welcome! I am a Ph.D. student at the University of Michigan School of Information, where I am very fortunate to be co-advised by Prof. Alain Cohn and Prof. Yan Chen.

My research interest broadly lies in behavioral economics, information economics, and the future of work. More specifically, I am interested in tackling issues in topics including information acquisition, motivation, and belief & preference formation using machine learning techniques.



Areas of interest

Behavioral economics, Information economics


B.A. at Duke University; B.Econ. at Duke Kunshan University

News about Jingyi Qiu

Economist retweets boost visibility, outcomes for doctoral job seekers

New work published by UMSI researchers reveals job market candidates benefit from social media engagement. 

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UMSI Research Roundup. Service Robots in Restaurants, Social Media and Job Market Success. Check out UMSI faculty and PhD student publications.
Service Robots in Restaurants | Social Media and Job Market Success: UMSI Research Roundup

Recent UMSI faculty and PhD student publications. 

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