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University of Michigan School of Information

A headshot of Kenan Alkiek

Kenan Alkiek


PhD Candidate co-advised by Vinod Vydiswaran and David Jurgens. My research focuses on how language models reason, with an emphasis on explainable AI, aiming to leverage this reasoning to enhance verification processes and improve collaborative decision-making settings.

Areas of interest

natural language processing, explainability (XAI), reasoning, verification, healthcare

Honors & Awards

Teresa Noel Urban Blaurock Student Research Award


M.S. Applied Statistics, University of Michigan 2022 

B.S. Computer Science, Kettering University 2018 
Minor: Applied Mathematics

News about Kenan Alkiek

UMSI Research Roundup. Service Robots in Restaurants, Social Media and Job Market Success. Check out UMSI faculty and PhD student publications.
Service Robots in Restaurants | Social Media and Job Market Success: UMSI Research Roundup

Recent UMSI faculty and PhD student publications. 

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