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University of Michigan School of Information

Mark Newman

Mark Newman

Professor of Information, School of Information and Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, College of Engineering Email: [email protected] Phone: 734/764-0020
Office: School of Information/4380 North Quad Faculty Role: Faculty Potential PhD Faculty Advisor: Yes Personal website News About Mark Newman


Areas of interest

Computing mediates an increasingly large portion of our everyday experience, necessitating that research in Human-Computer Interaction attend to the relationship between people and the ever-more complex technological environments in which they live, work, and play. My research seeks to understand the embedded, interconnected nature of these emerging forms of interaction and to build tools that help people understand, manage, and make use of the rich and dynamic resources available to them.


B.A., Macalester College

M.S., University of California Berkeley

Ph.D., University of California Berkeley


News about Mark Newman

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Virtual Reality | Health Insurance | Screenshots: UMSI Research Roundup

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UMSI Research Roundup. Cannabis Use, TikTok Social Drama. Recent publications by UMSI faculty and PhD students.
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