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University of Michigan School of Information

A selfie of Nadia Karizat

Nadia Karizat


Nadia Karizat's research interests are in Social Computing, Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), and Science, Technology and Society studies (STS), primarily investigating the connections between technology, power, bodily autonomy and marginality. 

Her research is interested in investigating the relationships between individuals’ and groups’ understandings and practices of consent (interpersonal), identities and social positions, and a technology and its features—what she refers to as technocultures of consent. 

She also researches safety, trust and privacy in the context of one’s sexual and reproductive decisions, and is interested in the relationships between technology, power and an individual or communities’ bodily autonomy.




Areas of interest

Arab, Southwest Asian and North African Diaspora; Body Autonomy; Compassionate tech; Critical algorithm studies; Diaspora Studies; Health Information practices; Marginalization; Memory; Mental Health; Mobile health applications; Online Communities; Online Dating; Privacy; Reproductive Health; Sexual Health; Social media; Stigma; Surveillance; Technocultures of Consent; Well-Being

Honors & Awards

2022 CSCW Best Paper Honorable Mention

Karizat, N., Delmonaco, D., Eslami, M, and Andalibi, N. (2021). Algorithmic Folk Theories and Identity: How TikTok Users Co-Produce Knowledge of Identity and Engage in Algorithmic Resistance. Proceedings of ACM in Human Computer Interaction (PACM).

UMSI Merit Scholar

UMSI Margaret Mann Award (2021)


B.A. in English Language and Literature, Minor: Arab and Muslim American Studies, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
M.S. in Health Informatics, M.H.I., University of Michigan, School of Information & School of Public Health
M.A. in Urban and Regional Planning, M.U.R.P., University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning 

News about Nadia Karizat

UMSI research roundup. 2024 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW). Check out UMSI faculty and PhD student publications.
UMSI at CSCW 2024: Awards, Workshops and Papers

UMSI research and workshops for the 27th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW). 

More Info
UMSI Research Roundup: 2023 Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW)
UMSI at CSCW 2023: Awards, Workshops and Papers

Check out UMSI papers, workshops and awards for the 2023 CSCW conference (Oct. 14-18).

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