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University of Michigan School of Information

A headshot of Chelsea Peterson-Salahuddin

Chelsea Peterson-Salahuddin

Assistant Professor of Information, School of Information Email: [email protected] Phone: 734/764-5876
Office: School of Information/105 S State St Faculty Role: Faculty Potential PhD Faculty Advisor: Yes Interview News About Chelsea Peterson-Salahuddin


Dr. Peterson-Salahuddin’s research focuses on the culturally specific ways marginalized communities, most often Black women, femmes, and queer folks, engage with mass and digital communications technologies to seek information, produce knowledge, and build community, and how the infrastructure of these technologies helps these communities to overcome or continue to replicate systemic barriers to equity. Her research has been published in several high-ranking peer-reviewed journals, including but not limited to Critical Studies in Media Communication, New Media and Society, Social Media + Society, Information, Communication & Society, and Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. Her research has received scholarly recognition from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication and funding support from The Russell Sage Foundation. Currently, Dr. Peterson-Salahuddin is working on a book project on Black feminism and popular media. Chelsea received her MA and Ph.D. in Media, Technology, and Society from Northwestern University and her BA in Political Science and Media Studies from Vassar College.




Areas of interest

Critical Digital Studies, Critical Algorithmic Studies, News Information, Activism, Black Feminism, Qualitative Methods


Northwestern University, M.A./ Ph.D.

Vassar College, B.A.

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