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University of Michigan School of Information



Most projects for client-based courses and programs occur during the Fall semester (September to December), the Winter semester (January to April) or the full academic year (September to April). However, specific project timelines will vary depending on the course or program for which your project is scoped. More specific information about project timelines can be found on the corresponding page for each client-based course or program. Email [email protected] with any questions you have about project timelines.

UMSI Project Cycle

April: Student Project Exposition. This annual showcase of student project work is a great opportunity to get inspiration for your own project ideas for the upcoming cycle. This event is open to the general public as a way to celebrate and support UMSI student achievements through client-based projects. For more information about this event, visit this webpage

May: Client engagement team begins reviewing project ideas. We welcome project idea submissions at any time, but please note that we do not actively review new project ideas between January-April as we prepare for the year ahead.

May: Call for fall semester projects is released. Interested in joining our listserv so you receive our call for projects? Email [email protected] and let us know!

May and June: Submit your project idea through this form to be considered for a fall semester project. We recommend that you submit your project idea about 2-3 months in advance of the anticipated project start date so we have time to gather all the information we need to present your project to students.

June and July: Submit your project proposal. After reviewing your project idea, the client engagement team will contact you to inform you about next steps. If it is determined that your project idea is a good fit for a client-based course or program, you will be asked to submit a project proposal.

July and August: Work with your project consultant to finalize your project proposal. After submitting your project proposal, you will receive an email from a project consultant, who may have additional questions for you as we scope your project for a specific course or program and get feedback from faculty. Keep an eye on your email and make sure to respond to their questions in a timely manner to move your project proposal forward. 

August: Notify the client engagement team if your project needs an NDA. Learn more about NDAs for student projects.

August: Faculty finalize the list of projects to present to students. If a faculty member selects your project to present to students at the start of the semester, we will send you an email confirmation to notify you. 

September and October: Projects begin! If your project was matched to a student team, you will hear directly from students to set up an initial meeting. If your project was not matched, you will be notified by the client engagement team.

September to December: Communicate regularly with your student team. This may involve regular meetings and email communications to ensure the team has everything they need to achieve the project goals. If your project is year-long, students will be focused on creating a detailed project plan during this time.

December: Fall semester projects conclude. You will receive your deliverables from your student team. The client engagement team will also request that you complete an evaluation to share feedback about your experience.

April: Year-long projects conclude. You will receive your deliverables from your student team. The client engagement team will also request that you complete an evaluation to share feedback about your experience.

September and October: Submit your project idea through this form to be considered for a winter semester project. We recommend that you submit your project idea about 2-3 months in advance of the anticipated project start date so we have time to gather all the information we need to present your project to students.

October and November: Submit your project proposal. After reviewing your project idea, the client engagement team will contact you to inform you about next steps. If it is determined that your project idea is a good fit for a client-based course or program, you will be asked to submit a project proposal.

November and December: Work with your project consultant to finalize your project proposal. After submitting your project proposal, you will receive an email from a project consultant, who may have additional questions for you as we scope your project for a specific course or program and get feedback from faculty. Keep an eye on your email and make sure to respond to their questions in a timely manner to move your project proposal forward. 

December: Notify the client engagement team if your project needs an NDA. Learn more about NDAs for student projects.

December: Faculty finalize the list of projects to present to students. If a faculty member selects your project to present to students at the start of the semester, we will send you an email confirmation to notify you. 

January and February: Projects begin! If your project was matched to a student team, you will hear directly from students to set up an initial meeting. If your project was not matched, you will be notified by the client engagement team.

January to April: Communicate regularly with your student team. This may involve regular meetings and email communications to ensure the team has everything they need to achieve the project goals. If your project is year-long, students will execute their project plan during this time.  

April: Winter semester projects conclude. You will receive your deliverables from your student team. The client engagement team will also request that you complete an evaluation to share feedback about your experience.